구미피부과 여드름 자국 없애고 싶다면

The home care provided by Gumi dermatology department is very special. It’s an external medicine prescribed only by the Gohan clinic, and it helps with keratin care with its weak peeling function, which is effective in controlling excessive sebum. It improves skin texture, skin tone, pores, and acne marks, making it ideal for maintenance even after acne treatment is completed later. I think acne marks are as stressful as acne. I will remove it cleanly at Gumi Dermatologist.

The treatment will be done with Goyun Herbal Peeling and Emton. Emton forms microholes with precise depth and strong pressure, providing moisture and nutrition to minimize damage and increase skin elasticity. Through the open MEGA microhole, cerum is absorbed to the dermis, creating healthier and cleaner skin. It is a stabilization technology patented by Gumi Dermatology and is treated by penetrating deep into the skin using double coated cerum.

You know why I have to choose Gumi dermatologist, right? After consulting with the director, the treatment will be made to suit you, taking into account the color of acne marks, skin type, and regenerative power, and will be conducted as a treatment for one person. It can also reduce irritation by adjusting the amount of peeling agent, treatment cycle, and intensity and depth of M-tone, which can be used even for sensitive skin. We will show you how to maintain it so that it doesn’t recur through follow-up management even after the treatment is over.

Hello. Today, I’m going to show you about acne scars. Will acne scars disappear over time? Sometimes it gets thinner over time, but sometimes the skin caved in and produces fine rolling scars. Therefore, it is efficient to treat red pimple marks, which are the initial symptoms. In Western dermatology, for early acne treatment, extrusion care and corresponding red marks are first performed.

Goyun Herbal Peeling is a safe effect of natural extraction and contains more than five times the amount of saliva that is good for regeneration. It is very effective for pigmentation by removing old keratin. It can adjust the mixing ratio and strength of sensitive skin, and can be customized according to skin conditions.

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