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Breast cancer surgery is divided into conservative mastectomy and total mastectomy depending on the site of resection. Preservative resection is expected to be more effective as part of the recent implementation increases the rate of regular checkups. If the size of the cancer is relatively small, it is possible to proceed, but it is necessary to reduce local recurrence through radiation therapy.

Both treatments are integrated with oriental medicine at the same time, which is effective in reducing various side effects and pain after breast cancer surgery, and in preventing recurrence metastasis that may occur after surgery. It has a clinical pathology room for post-cancer management of agile patients, systematic treatment through rapid examination, and skilled medical staff can accurately diagnose diseases, diseases, and physical conditions and plan correct treatment.

Incheon Breast Cancer Phase 3 Treatment, Incheon Breast Cancer Phase 4 Treatment

What is the cause of breast cancer? Why Does Breast Cancer Occur?

After breast cancer surgery, pain management, side effects management, and at Changseol Oriental Medicine Hospital!

Breast cancer is one of the most representative cancer species in women. Breast cancer has a higher survival rate and a better surgical prognosis, so if treated well, it may be almost completely cured. However, cancer spreads outside the breast and it is a life-threatening malignant tumor. Breast cancer generally comes from cells present in the ducts and breast lobes, but breast cancer rates are increasing gradually worldwide. Among women in Japan, it is the second most common cancer among all cancers.

However, at Nigawa : the treatment of a typical class of breast cancer treatment method is an anti-cancer medicine. in stage 3 : stage progresses, such as cases, breast cancer has spread together with the the en hatsu of the tumor cells that shows up as metastasis together in a part you shouldn’t have to also have treatment. In such a systemic treatment process the anticancer treatment of breast cancer. an anticancer therapy, breast cancer radiation treatment at the end of the symptoms, but they will move forward with its therapeutic, by improving the survival extension of time, cancer pain when close to focus to the improvement of the quality of life in.However, in the case of an anti-cancer medicine, lowering the quality of side effects appear. showing a reduction of the quality of life caused by the quality of treatment in metastatic breast cancer. Therefore, in addition to an extension of time to live — it’s going to one of the most important tasks in the process of the part of the order to reduce side effects such as treatment. stage 4 breast cancer Incheon and Incheon the third special class of breast cancer therapies are not stopped at preventing the progress of tumor, an extension of time to live and in support of various adjunct treatment is ongoing.

Although there is no definitive cause of breast cancer, various causes are known to appear in combination. It is often known to appear as genetic, hormonal, age and birth, and breastfeeding causes.1) Genetic factors – Genetic factors represent approximately 5 to 10 percent of the total breast cancer incidence. It has been found that if there is a record of breast cancer in either side, the chances of being diagnosed with cancer are about two to three times higher than if there is no breast cancer in the mother or sister. Also, if you have both breast cancer, there is a risk that it will be more than 10 times higher. Therefore, if you suspect your family history, I recommend you to have a regular checkup.

漢方 Chinese medicine: acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, acupuncture, acupuncture, acupuncture, herbal medicine, Chinese medicine 両面 Double-sided treatment: hyperthermia, high-pressure oxygen therapy, mistrt, high-concentration vitamin C therapy, cymosin alpha 1, homeostatic therapy, nutrient infusion

Jangseol Oriental Medicine Hospital provides integrated treatment to help patients recover their health with the aim of refreshing, increasing shortages, and improving sustainable energy. Our medical staff and staff play a role in improving the health of patients with a healthy body and warm heart, and in successfully returning to society.

Breast cancer resection is an operation that was performed including the muscles under the breast, but sometimes muscle resection is not necessary. Sometimes it doesn’t interfere with the function of the shoulder, and sometimes it doesn’t leave swelling on the arm. A preservative resection may require radiation therapy as well as a preservative resection. In addition, treatment methods such as armpit lymph node surgery, axillary lymph node purification, and monitoring lymph node biopsy will be performed in Incheon Breast Cancer 3rd stage and Incheon Breast Cancer 4th stage.

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What is breast cancer?

Jangseol Oriental Medicine Hospital helps to activate immune cells to improve immunity as well as reduce complications after surgery through integrated treatment of Korean medicine. Through the activation of immune cells, we create an environment where we can fight cancer ourselves, and it helps manage recurrence and breast cancer metastasis. If you do this with adjunctive therapy, it will help improve the treatment effect along with the side effects of the treatment.ロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.

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도움말 플레이어 URL 복사 레이어 닫기유방암Reservations for 290 Reconstruction Road, Bupyeong-gu, Incheon Metropolitan City, Changseol Hanpo Hospitalthe case of estrogen) – the cause of the hormone of hormone and promotes the growth of a breast duct cells. Therefore, the probability of developing breast cancer when exposed to this hormone is a long time improved, and Growing up an early stage, and given long-term female hormones after menopause to lower the case of a person who has been and appear as a group of high risk of developing breast cancer.In addition, the senseless hormones will find out is not a good idea to prevent breast cancer when used. When receiving hormone therapy to do is check ups breast cancer expert at least once a year’s more like it.3) 40, which can range from – 40 most of age, childbirth, nursing of breast cancer while in proportion to the age of the frequency is high since have become much clearer than before. other if it doesn’t have any children, and gave birth to a 30 after the age of nursing in the case of a woman who is not increased chance of developing breast cancer have become much clearer than before.